The Listening Academy, Goa

The Listening Academy is a research academy aimed at investigating listening as a creative and critical practice, one that can assist in fostering greater relationality and mutuality, as well as co-learning and co-creation. In particular, this edition planned in collaboration with the Serendipity Arts Festival focusses on the inaudible, interrogating how listening enables an engagement with the unheard, the silent, the forgotten, the repressed. The inaudible is highlighted as an emptiness at the center of the sensible. Listening will be activated as a negative methodology for approaching that which resists capture but also refuses to go away: from personal and collective memory to the invisible systems impacting futures, from disappearing planetary life to hidden social worlds, the Academy will open a space for collective research and creative engagement with inaudibility and the unheard.

Emphasising the potentiality of listening as a practice and method, the Academy invited participants to join for a week-long workshop where they discussed, explored, listened, and attuned to questions of inaudibility. The outcome of this workshop will be presented through a collaborative performance and publication launch in Goa.

Facilitated by: Brandon LaBelle & Budhaditya Chattopadhyay

Date: 23 December 2023

Time: 11 AM - 8 PM

Venue: Old GMC Building

Past Program