Roots to Resilience

An action research + participatory exploration of people & their tuber crops.

Tuber crops serve as a critical source of food, nutrition and cash income for many of the developing world's farmers and food-insecure people. They are known for their climate resilience due to low input requirements, adaptability to diverse farming systems and their ability to provide sustainable yields, even under adverse climatic and soil conditions. 

How can we create a space to think about tubers, not just as a means of sustenance but also in terms of the art of their form and shape, the culinary techniques required to process each one, biodiversity concerns, and the role that the arts space can potentially play in gastrodiplomacy.

There are more than 100 varieties of tubers across India and 1000 stories of their resilience.

This project seeks to explore the Indian landscape of tubers and be inspired by various forms of culinary creativity, bringing to the fore the communities that are rooted in this form of resilience.

Curated by Edible Issues - Elizabeth Yorke and Anusha Murthy

Display of Research Outcome

Date: 15 - 23 December

Time: 11 AM - 8 PM

Venue: First Floor, Old GMC Complex

Demonstrations of tuber-cooking every evening near the Food Lab, Old GMC Complex

Past Program