
The content and views exhibited in this performance/exhibition/screening are of the Artist only and is not intended to hurt any sentiments or be biased in favor of or against any particular person, society, gender, creed, nation or religion. Viewing any content exhibited in this performance/exhibition/screening is a conscious choice of the visitor/viewer and Serendipity Arts Foundation and the Artist shall not be held liable for any inconvenience or hurt cause to the viewer/visit due to such performance/exhibition/screening.

It is hereby proclaimed that the characters, places, names and events in this performance/exhibition/screening are fictional and have been conceptualized for creative purposes and dramatization only. Any resemblance or similarity to actual events, entities, places or persons is purely coincidental.

The authors and artists exercise their artistic right to portray their opinions and their perspective on social reality as well as fiction with utmost creativity in all possible forms. Some of that portrayal may take the form of questioning or critiquing values and morals that are prevalent in the society. We exercise our right to freedom to use any forms of expressions to put across our views, points and perspective.

However it must be kept in mind that all our expressions be considered figurative and within the ambit of law of land, and the Foundation or the Artist/Author under no circumstance, endorses going against law, directly or indirectly. The Foundation, Artist, Author and any other personnel involved in this performance/exhibition/screening are law abiding citizens and entities and have not created or presented this performance/exhibition/screening to incite any disorder or lawlessness.

Further, the Foundation, the Artist/Author have put their best efforts to ensure that no material protected by intellectual property including copyrighted material belonging to third-party is posted without consent or requisite license. However, if your copyrighted material has been used in this performance/exhibition/screening and you want this material removed, you must provide a written communication of the details of such infringement.

No animals were injured/harmed during the making of this performance/exhibition/screening.